Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wet paint???

No, I am not an artist in any way shape or form. Wetpaint, thankfully, has nothing to do with being an artist. It is an application that allows people to form a interactive, social website. I can see myself using this in all aspects of my career.

For my students, I can set up one for each of my classes, or it can even be a project for them to create. With a wetpaint website, each class can have discussions, pictures, assignments, mile times, and any other posting they would use to communicate with each other.

For my players, I could use wetpaint in the same way. An open communication board, for the entire team, coach and parents. Pictures, game results, tournament info, team stats, carpooling, recruiting info for coaches,questions, workouts, health tips. I really believe the list could go on ,and if monitored correctly, I believe this could be an awesome tool.

The other application which I spend a lot of my time on now, is Facebook. I can see myself using this forever. Is there an age when I should stop?? What a brilliant way to social network. In the past week I have found about 40 high school friends and learned new info at the same time. I even enjoy reading about my new classmates. I believe this is brilliant.


Richard Robertson said...

I feel like I spend all day on the computer these days. Wetpaint sounds interesting and I have not had time to scratch the surface of facebook. Right now it is as though I am getting technological overdose and we are moving so fast in both classes.

JeffMcFall said...

Wow that is interesting. I will have to check that out sometime. I'll try to integrate that into my own classes.