Thursday, May 22, 2008

Organization. I believe the biggest benefit that comes from using Google Docs, is how organized it can make a teacher. It is incredible easy to store and download everything within the documents. I knew I always loved google, but this is taking it to an entire new level. Ways to use it in my career? I can see myself using this quite often in the PE world. I would start with the basics which are: drafting ideas, proposals to people, just basic word documents, and sharing this with others who I subscribe to or blog with. This could also be used with communication to the parents of my students. Descriptions of projects, mile times, student concerns could easily be widely distributed. This way, keeping everything on your google docs, you are allowed to find it on any computer, rather than only keeping it on your very own hard drive. If a teacher is lucky enough to use a PDA, then it could easily be pulled up and used in the classroom (track, or soccer field) as well. I hope to start using this in my classroom soon. I am wondering what could be the downsides to this? Has any one had a bad experience with this program?

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