Kin 710
Originally uploaded by peteacha
Here is a 4 man canoe, and these people are paddling for exercise. This is very common sport and just a great way to get moving in sunny Hawaii. Just don't lean too much to the right or you might flip! But not to worry, you just flip the canoe over, bail out the water, and start again! I grew up paddling and in the summers there are races every Sunday. Has anyone ever tried this sport? It is also a high school sport as well.
I don't know why, but I am scared to be in the water longer than a coupl eof minutes for fear of being bitten or eaten alive. When my husband and I went to Hawaii, I refused to go paddle boarding and snorkeling. Eventually Iwent snorkeling but only for about ten minutes. I saw a huge balck fish and hauled my butt to shore:):)
Sorry about the spelling. I'm dyslexic and have to take my time and double check everything.
It's okay and totally normal. When I am in the very deep ocean, I feel the same way. I blame this on my parents who let me watch Jaws at a very early age...oh and I have dyslexia too :)
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